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League One 2020/2021

League One | England | UEFA


1Rep. of Ireland John Sheridan4410529521453150
2Rep. of Ireland Brian Barry-Murphy46111421491075110
3England Michael Appleton48221115105912650
4England Leam Richardson32116154487270
4England Joey Barton381172084833120
4England Ryan Lowe46141121114837130
4Scotland Steve Evans4619101710589590
8England Aaron Wilbraham2284104274230
8Wales Glyn Hodges2557132273560
8England Keith Curle2666143373370
8Wales Kenny Jackett33157116579240
8England Lee Bowyer351410115579540
8England Karl Robinson4620917124785100
14England Jake Buxton2127122260560
14Netherlands Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink2513575268310
14Gibraltar David Artell46181216107685100
14England John Coleman4618131510768690
14Scotland Russell Martin46181117107684110
19England Andy Butler1843112152260
19Scotland Paul Lambert2814598256340
[J=Matches Played, V=Wins, E=Draws, D=Losses, VC=Home Wins, EC=Home Draws, DC=Home Defeats, VF=Away Wins, EF=Away Draws, DF=Away Defeats, RVV=Turnaround (Comeback Win)]
[Last updated: 2023-08-18 at 09:59]