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      Euro U21 (Qual.) 2021/22

      Euro U21 (Qual.)


      Most Victories

      1Portugal Rui Jorge109104104000
      2Spain De La Fuente88004004000
      2France Sylvain Ripoll108205003200
      2Netherlands Erwin van de Looi108205003200
      2Rep. of Ireland Lee Carsley108114014100
      2Norway Leif Smerud108025003020
      2Croatia Igor Biscan128134114020
      2Ukraine Ruslan Rotan128225103120
      2Czech Rep. Jan Suchopárek128224114110
      10Italy Antonio di Salvo87014013000
      10Switzerland Mauro Lustrinelli107214103110
      10Italy Paolo Nicolato107304103200
      13Belgium Jacky Mathijssen86203103100
      13Denmark Jesper Sørensen106223203020
      13Slovakia Jaroslav Kentos106044012030
      13Finland Juha Malinen106133023110
      13Rep. of Ireland James Crawford126334112220
      18Israel Alon Hazan85122113010
      18Greece Georgios Simos95133012120
      18Poland Maciej Stolarczyk105322123200
      [J=Matches Played, V=Wins, E=Draws, D=Losses, VC=Home Wins, EC=Home Draws, DC=Home Defeats, VF=Away Wins, EF=Away Draws, DF=Away Defeats, RVV=Turnaround (Comeback Win)]
      [Last updated: 2024-04-11 at 15:41]