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      Borussia M´gladbach B

      mMönchengladbachmestablished in 1900

      Titles (in-depth)

      Totals (0 Titles) títulos por competição >

      International Competitions (0 Titles)

      SeasonManagerTitlesU21 Premier League International Cup
      2023/2024Eugen Polanski0-
      2022/2023Eugen Polanski0-
      2016/2017Arie van Lent0-
      2015/2016Andre Schubert0GS
      2014/2015Sven Demandt0GS

      Domestic Competitions (0 Titles)

      SeasonManagerTitlesDFB PokalRegionalliga
      2023/2024Eugen Polanski0-13º
      2022/2023Eugen Polanski0-
      2021/2022Heiko Vogel0-13º
      2020/2021Heiko Vogel0-11º
      2016/2017Arie van Lent0-
      2015/2016Andre Schubert0--
      2014/2015Sven Demandt0--
      2011/2012Sven Demandt0-
      2010/2011Sven Demandt0-
      1997/1998Norbert Meier01E-
      [Key: n/a=Not available, -=Did not play]
      Competitions with full data: U21 Premier League International Cup, DFB Pokal.

      With regard to other competitions, cannot guarantee the veracity of all information